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Can a Anime End Like This?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

Last season, I got into a show called Talentless Nana because of Snooze’s recommendation. It was one of those shows that I didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I did. It was a surprise to me and my friends. So our enjoyment can be seen as a good thing, but, it also can be seen as a bad thing. With how much we loved the series, the ending of the series didn’t do us any favors. Now, I really like Talentless Nana, and think it’s a series that people should watch and enjoy. So if you don’t want to be spoiled on a really big moment at the end of the series, I suggest you go watch it. IT’S GOOD!!! Now, without further ado, SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

Now, let’s talk about Talentless Nana’s ending. The way Talentless Nana ended was the worst way you could ever end an anime in my opinion. The best way to end an anime series is to end it after an arc, and if people want to see more, they can go read the manga. This method also keeps it open for a season 2. The second option is to make an anime only ending. This usually means that they have no plans for a sequel, but it also lets the anime have its own freedom on how it ends and not rush an arc or end off on a weird arc. Now, one of the worst ways to end a series is having so many questions still unanswered, plot points that were in the middle of being set up, and on a huge CHARACTER DEATH!!! My baby Michiru died!!!

They ended it on this shot. We don’t know what happened after this scene. It just ends. No tease for a season 2, no sign that we might get one, nothing! We just end off on a major character dying. We couldn’t even get a resolution on how the whole cast felt about this death. Hell, we were in the middle of solving a mystery, and that wasn’t completely solved. They ended the series in the middle of an arc, before it was even over.

My face when an anime I like end badly.

So I’m fearful. I loved Talentless Nana as a series, and would love a second season of it. This would be the worst way to end a series. I could go read the manga, but I was enjoying the anime. This was less a “you can go read the manga for more” ending, and more like, “you better read the fucking manga” ending. So I’ll keep my hopes up for a season 2, just have to hope that people enjoyed it enough to warrant a sequel.

Did you watch Talentless Nana? What do you think of Talentless Nana’s ending? What is the worst anime ending you’ve ever seen? Tell us in the comments.