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Brat Correcting Sasuke?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
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Now don’t lie, we all would be interested in fucking Naruto in his sexy jutsu form. I don't think any real straight wouldn’t let an opportunity like that pass them. Now, how about if the cocky and up-tight Sasuke used the sexy jutsu technique? Someone like him would definitely need to be put in his place, and taught a lesson. And the Hidden Cloud Village is here to do just that.

Now I know most people would consider turning a boy into a girl in art cursed, but not me. I love that shit. And I'm a happy artist Dolekat was here to provide. They really made Sasuke look like a sexy, breedable bitch. And the Uchiha clan is in need of repopulating, so Sasuke's tight, wet cunt is just the place to start. But I wonder if he’s even able to get pregnant?

Even pregnant Sasuke is hot as fuck. I’m not usually into pregnant porn or art, but that drawing just does something to me. I most likely still wouldn’t fuck his pregnaut ass, but good eye candy if nothing else. I feel like the genderbend Naruto boys started with Sasuke and are going to end with Sasuke. I don’t think Dolekat is going to continue with the others, and this is just a one-off. But a one-off I’m happy we got, and will cherish.

Who would you rather fuck, female Narutio or female Sasuke? Do you think pregnant Sasuke looks hot? Would you like to see Dolekat draw more gender-bending Naruto boys? Tell us in the comments.

MrObvious 1 year ago
Meh, I'd stick to Tayuya and her loud brash goodness and spats.
jupmod 1 year ago
Well, if Sasuke was born a girl, I'll say she deserves to be fuck. Yet the Naruto guy I love to see genderbend, more than any other, is Haku. He already looks like a girl, so why not genderbend him? Heck, some fans, including I, like the idea Haku lied to Naruto saying she was boy. XD
EatsBush 1 year ago
Imagine you're balls deep and they switch their gender back.
Either your dick, his dick, or both dicks would explode into mist of blood, as two objects simustaneously attempt to occupy the same space, like a telefrag.
Or your dick just gets chopped clean off and is floating around inside their body, likely inside his ballsac or prostate.
New fetish or kink, anyone?
Anon - Bratbreaker 1 year ago
Anyone have any good brat correction doujin recommendations? Typing 'brat' in the search isn't helping much.