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Audio Doujins: Friends Who Fuck Together, Stay Together
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago

Now that we’ve given audio doujins to both Persona 3, and Persona 5, it’s only right to add audio to some Persona 4 doujins! So let’s reach out for some tissues with these two great audio doujins. We have a two for one today, as you get to enjoy both Chie and Yukiko. LewdHeart first time voicing for and her Chie impression is a real knock out. Lewd also does the voice of Nanako. We also have Buddy doing a wonderful job as Yukiko. Kinky voice the protagonist Yu and Teddie, while Snooze bring the voice in for Dojima.

Chie and Nanako voiced by LewdHeart

Yukiko voiced by Aero Buddy

Yu and Teddie voiced by ImJustThatKinky

Dojima voiced by WakeUpSnooze

What did you think of LewdHeart’s and Aero Buddy’s performance? Who’s better, Chie or Yukiko? Would you like to hear more Persona 4 audio doujins? Tell us in the comments.