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Zom 100 Got Infected With The Anime Delay Virus
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 months ago

Luckily, I never got into Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, cause the fans of the show have recently been getting super cucked and delays have been PLAGUING the Zom 100 anime. It’s almost like an INFECTION…a ZOMBIE infection…

I can see that joke left you...DEAD!!!

Well, even though my jokes might be horrible, it’s not as bad as Zom 100 going on indefinite hiatus, with only having 3 more episodes left to go.

Many anime this year have been either getting delayed episodes, and going on indefinite hiatus. Snooze mentioned it in his article. It started becoming the norm for anime, which isn’t a good thing. What really sucks is that Zom 100 finally introduces its big boobed blonde samurai Beatrix. Even though I don’t watch the show, I am disappointed we won’t be seeing more scenes of her for awhile, if EVER!!!!

Luckily, the Nier: Automata anime was on a indefinite hiatus and came back eventually. So indefinite hiatus isn’t the end for Zom 100, it just means they don’t really have a clear plan on when it will be coming back. SInce it seems like the anime has been getting generally good praise and attention, I don’t see why they wouldn’t want to fight to bring it back. I need more Beatrix in my life people.

We'll get doujin of her soon, trust.

Are you sad that Zom 100 is on indefinite hiatus? Do you think Beatrix is hot? Were you watching Zom 100? Tell us in the comments.