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Are you willing to fall in love with a pervert, as long as she’s a cutie?
By Kasaix β€’ 5 years ago
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A series that somehow flew well under my radar has come to light, and it appeals to my interests. Titled Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka?, or Are you willing to fall in love with a pervert, as long as she’s a cutie? in english, the story follows Kiryuu Keiki as he tries to find the girl who left him a love letter that included a pair of her panties. That's one hell of a way to get a guy's attention. It's based on a manga that I began reading as soon as I found it. Here's a full summary and the anime PV:

After cleaning the Calligraphy Club room one afternoon, Kiryuu Keiki found a love letter addressed to him on the club's desk. Eager at the possibility of finally getting a girlfriend, he opens the envelope only to find the words, "I like you" along with a pair of the sender's panties. 

With only these panties as evidence, Keiki narrows down the identity to the four girls who helped him clean the club room that day: Tokihara Sayuki, the lazy third-year president of Calligraphy Club; Koga Yuika, a library committee member of foreign descent; Nanjou Mao, Keiki's slightly tsundere fellow classmate; and most awkwardly, Kiryuu Mizuha, Keiki's clean freak of a younger sister. Among at least three of these girls, Keiki believes is the one who left him the letter and their panties so with determination in his heart, he sets out to uncover which of these seemingly unorthodox ladies will become his girlfriend!

I feel like there was another ecchi series that followed a guy trying to find a girl he likes, but can't remember her name. Sound off in the comments if that sounds familiar. Until then, let's take a look at some preview shots of the anime.

Anon - anon 5 years ago
You know first i thought you were trying to ask as question with that heading.
To actually answer it personally it's the type of pervert she is that's the matter. For the black haired big boobed girl that you have gifs of above I'd give it a try. For that blonde underclassman pervert that part of this series? @#$% NO!
jupmod 5 years ago
Sounds very interesting to watch. Unless a guy is a ultra-conservative religious nut, I don't think any single guy would say no to a perverted girl who would love to have hot raunchy sex with him. :)
Anon - anon 5 years ago
You talking about strawberry 100%? A guy gets hit in the face by a girl butt first and sees her panties then tries to find the girl based on those panties?
Anon - a non 5 years ago
I feel like if you're female, being a pervert makes you MORE attractive.
MrObvious 5 years ago
Of course. Case and point: I'd sweep Suruga Kanbaru from Monogatari into the sunset as my laifu, and she's one of THE biggest perverts in manga/anime(she happily admits to being into bondage and wearing the same pair of gym shorts for days due to her masochism, alongside other fetishes that are quite extreme ). Yup, it'll definitely be an experience.
Anon - RAe Ven 5 years ago
As long as it is not a criminal perversion and she is actually faithful then, fuck it; let's go down that rabbit hole together. XD
exodusee7 4 years ago
Depends entirely on the girl's definition of perversion and how she expresses it.
Aclarie 5 years ago
depends on the type of pervert
Anon - ELEX 5 years ago
As long as she's faithful I would love it even if she is not considered cute.