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AI Soars Again With Sora, Porn Videos Imminent
By WakeUpSnooze β€’ 1 year ago
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For a while it seemed like the world got a well-deserved break from constant AI news and kerfuffle. That was until the AI-generated lewd images of Taylor Swift broke the Internet and sparked her to call for immediate legislation to regulate this new technology. Unfortunately for her, speed is not exactly in our government’s wheelhouse so we still have yet to address such content. In the meantime, researchers at OpenAI have unveiled the next stage of their video generation program called Sora that will create videos based on text prompts. And just like a few months ago, AI is now back to the forefront and popping up on every article I see. 

Anyone with foresight past a week should have foreseen this. However, what people didn’t expect is for such huge progress to be completed in such a short time. Early versions of AI video generation look horrendous, especially the famous Will Smith eating example. My man looks like a distorted Will from a digital hellscape. Fast forward to Sora, and now the example videos are looking incredibly crispy. A variety of kinks still need to be addressed as some of the test videos include weird happenings like people disappearing into the background. Again though, it’s about the pace of the progress rather than the performance achieved. Still, the performance itself is nothing to sneeze at and is already a growing threat to those in the video creation field. A while ago I asked if anyone would be interested in trying to prompt AI to generate their own anime series. I expected such tools to be in the works by perhaps 2030 onwards, but at this pace they could become available much sooner (for better or worse). 

Hmm, something is different about the new version's quality.

Prepare yourself for the onslaught of AI news and hype for coming weeks as more and more people gain access to Sora. Given that it took less than a year for celebrities to be lewded since AI took off, I absolutely believe we’ll be seeing porn generation take center stage with Sora in no time. Will it be any good? Time will tell but at the rate it’s going I’d predict the answer to be β€œyes, before too long”. Have you heard about Sora’s release? Are you going to try and prompt it to make something for you? How long before it’s used to produce a ton of porn? Watch a video, think β€œI could do this better” and tell Sora to make a better video for you in the comments below!

Oddest Ball 1 year ago
This is becoming so dangerous so quickly.
Noah_Webster 1 year ago (edited 1 year ago)
I'll pass. Bringing attention (and money) to ai generated works pulls from the crowd that produces stuff for onlyfans as their business or side gig. There' are plenty of people willing to put themselves out there for my viewing pleasure and I'd rather not accelerate the consolidation of wealth.
God Revan 1 year ago (edited 1 year ago)
If AI Porn Videos get made, it's going to be either EXTREMELY regulated or outright banned completely. I highly doubt anyone that was used as models or having their likeness used will ever consent to be used for porn. Hell, I bet even Porn stars will have a serious issue about this.
tanakaba 1 year ago
I've gotta see what it generates for the "Exorcism Club for Black Haired Girls with Ponytails" prompt.
Heroyth 1 year ago
True art are on the brink of extinction. Don't seen too much Ai porn make with Sora.
EatsBush 1 year ago
Art Is Dead.
Anon - 68 1 year ago
I'm good, I'm very anti-AI. I don't trust a computer app to make art depicting passionate love, like thats the one thing they're just blind guessing at.
Anon - hh 1 year ago
mom son
gxa190 1 year ago
The amount of people that actually know how to use the new technology is very little. People rn are just worried that too much AI stuff will be made, when in fact the people that use it is a very small percentage. Most people aren’t that smart or willing to try continuously till they get it right.
Anon - sybm 1 year ago
sounds like a total snore. hard pass