Comaku: The One-Hit Yuri Wonder
First presidents and now depressed pandas? These profile pics are something else.You know what really grinds my gears? Dicks in my face. I mean sure, I’ll tolerate seeing some dude’s dick on my screen for the sake of projecting myself into his shoes. But that only lasts for so long and eventually I get kinda jealous. Why does Satoshi-kun get to fuck three classmates and his ...
The Cat-Eared Alchemist's Lewd Curse
Souzai-Soft's new gameAlkemo: Kemomimi Alchemist is a surprisingly deep RPG.Players take on the role of a cat-eared alchemist who accidentally curses herself and seeks to rid herself of it before something terrible happens to her. As this is an H-Game, a fully-voiced one at that, the cure may be worse than the curse: aphrodisiacs or just sex help stave off the curse. This can lead ...
Mononofu - Gender-Swapped History
The fetish of gender-swapping great male historical figures doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, and that's a good thing. The most recent take on this fetish is seen in Mononofu: Battle Princess of White Lily. Players take on the role of a slender-framed young female stretegist as they help the great leaders of Japan end the conflict during the Sengoku period. To that ...
Why Do Some Anime Go on Forever?
Anime has a lot of examples of works that have gone on for way longer than they should have. Shonen anime especially is known for putting out work that became very popular leading to continuation with no end. From Dragon Ball to Naruto we see some of the most popular and influential series either only recently ending or never ending at all. Why is it that so many anime get into ...
RWBY: Reviewing Western Babes... Yummy?
Yeah I know the title's a masterpiece, you don't have to tell me.Before I can even get into this series, somebody has to say it. Where the hell are my doujins for these girls? The character designs are extremely well-done and appealing, and the community can’t stop shipping them for two fucking seconds, yet when I search “RWBY” on this website there’s legit one doujin. How’s ...
Strive For Power - Master of the Animal-Eared Girls
A new resource management game has gained our attention, and we would bring it to your attention. Maverik, the creators of Strive for Power, describe the game as such:"Strive[for Power] an adult, text based fantasy themedslave management game in development.You take a role of an aspiring young Mage, who takes a possession over a mansion and aims to achieve greatness by utilizing ...
Exploring Final Fantasy XIV's Sexy Brothels
(FFXIV: pinup commission by ZeroJigoku of DeviantArt)Square Enix has come a long way since Cloud infiltrated Don Corneo's place of business. Square Enix launched an epic online adventure known as Final Fantasy XIVon September 30, 2010. All of the best tropes from the legendary franchise that began inDecember 18, 1987 is there, with something unexpected: brothels. The general consensus ...
The 3D-Animated Porn Renaissance - Part 1
On June 27 2012, software mogul Valve released the free, open beta of Source Filmmaker to the gaming community through its Steam service, and the landscape of 3D pornography would be forever changed. The SFM platform made 3D film creation accessible to everyone, and no canon or fandom was safe from the Renaissance of hardcore, boundary pushing porn that came to exist as the direct ...
Fullmetal Alchemist Transmutes Gold
Director Fumihiko Sori may have shown the world how an anime-adaptation onto the silver screen is actually done, easily joining the ranks of Keishi Ōtomo's Rurouni Kenshin live-action movies. Where they outright failed with Dragon Ball Evolution, and I'm sorry I even had to mention that movie, and managed to get an A for effort with Ghost in the Shell, Fullmetal Alchemist managed ...
A Thanksgiving!
Mashed potatoes, a huge turkey, corn, your cousin that’s just a little too hot for their own good, you can find a wealth of good stuff at a dinner table on Thanksgiving. During this time of reflection and pigging out, it’s important to remember the shit you have in your life that makes it pretty okay. I’ve poked around here at the Thanksgiving table to get a taste ...