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Yakuza Spin-off Series Judgement Could End Prematurely Over PC Concerns
By Yung Namahage • 2 years ago

When Yakuza fans first heard that the seventh and latest mainline installment Like a Dragon was getting rid of the series' trademark brutal beat 'em up style combat in favor of a turn-based system, reception was mixed to say the least. Since then Sega confirmed that Lost Judgement, a sequel to 2018's detective-themed side story Judgement, will go back to the fast-paced brawling everyone knows and loves. But even before its release this September, it seems Lost Judgement could be the final entry in the Judgement series. 

After Kiryu's departure in Yakuza 6Judgement featured a lawyer/detective named Takayuki Yagami, voiced and modelled after actor/singer Takuya Kimura. Formerly a member of super popular boyband SMAP and the star of movies like RedlineHowl's Moving Castle and the live-action Blade of the Immortal, Kimura is pretty much a household name in Japan. The talent agency that represents him, Johnny & Associates, are famously protective of their talents' image, not even allowing them to use social media or releasing press conference photos of them until 2018.

While Yakuza used to be a PlayStation exclusive series, Sega have recently allowed PC and Xbox owners to experience most entries for the first time. The first Judgement was only playable on PC via Stadia, but Sega originally announced the sequel Lost Judgement was coming to Steam, only to change their minds and say a PC version wasn't on the cards. This stems from a disagreement with Johnny's over Kimura's likeness.  Here's one of the reasons why:

Unlike Kiryu, Majima, Ichiban and most Yakuza protagonists, Yagami is based on a real guy. Not just any old guy, but a celebrity who's managed to stay clean in the public eye for decades. Johnny's must've been made aware of all the nude mods and got second thoughts over the PC release to stop people from lewding one of their biggest stars.

Unfortunately, Sega and Johnny's failed to reach an agreement, meaning not only is Lost Judgement not getting a PC release but it could be the end of the Judgement series. And since Sega confirmed that the mainline Yakuza series will be sticking with turn-based combat in the future, fans of real-time combos and heat moves are understandably dismayed.

Even Kimura expressed his disappointment, saying he loved playing the role of Yagami and playing Judgement. It is possible that Sega could create a third Judgement without using Kimura's likeness, kinda like how they changed the model of Pierre Taki's character after his arrest, but Kimura's presence itself is a big selling point so I wouldn't hold my breath. Unless Sega work something out with Johnny's or they create another spin-off series, we can kiss goodbye to button mashing thugs unconscious on the mean streets of Japan.

What do you guys think? Do Johnny's have a point or are they making a big deal out of a minor issue? Drop your thoughts below!