And when I say box for charity, that’s all I mean. No money on the side, no taking 20% and the rest goes to charity. No, I mean, you do this for free, and charity gets all the money the boxing event earns. This question came to mind when me and Snooze hung out and watched the Creator Clash boxing event.
If you don’t know what Creator Clash is, it’s a YouTube boxing event that was created by iDubbbz. And when you hear about a YouTube boxing event, you might think it's staged, a joke, or something that shouldn’t be taken seriously. I know that’s what I thought, until I saw Dad put the beat down on a defenseless kid.
But while watching, I learned that this was a charity event. Which is cool, and very helpful, but it seems like that’s all it was. No one made any money from this to my knowledge, and only trained and busted each other's noise, to help the KIDS!!! Which, like I said, is a good thing, but sadly, something I wouldn’t be able to do. Hell, I wouldn’t even box for money after seeing how these creators got fucked up.
Rememeber when people called him a simp?
So yeah, I’m a bitch, who wouldn’t box for a good cause. But hey, I’m not sure how many other people would stand up to the plate and box for a good cause. I paid for the event, so my money went into charity. So I did my part. And I have mad respect for all the Youtubers who trained their asses off and also came to the event to get their asses kicked. If you would like, you can check out the event on YouTube.
Did you watch the Creator Clash? Would you box for charity? Would you like to see this event again? Tell us in the comments.