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Who Will Win the TMWT Royal Rumble?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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I’ve talked about NowaJoestar and their game TMWT before, and we’re still all waiting for the Korra and Asami update. They’ve been updating the Satsuki scene and making it better before finishing up Korra and Asami. But while we waited for those updates, Nowa couldn’t wait to start the TMWT Royal Rumble.


I follow Nowa for two reasons, one, their hard working mindset and sexy art, and his sense of humor…wait, was that three? The point is, Nowa isn’t just some person who posts their art and leaves it as that, they like to be creative and jokey about their work. So it’s great to see some personality around the artist, and this TMWT is just an example of that. Only 6 ladies can come out of this alive. So who are the ones you would like to see make it to TMWT Phrase 1?

There’s a lot of good choices, but for me, it would have to be Nobara, Juri, Mikasa, Chun li, Makima, and Vi and Caitlyn (they count on one person, so I’m not cheating).

Def if their in their cop uniforms.

So what I’m trying to say is that all of you should vote for the girls I like, so my TMWT dream can come true, and you can do that by checking out Nowa’s Patreon.

Who are the 6 you would like to see be in TMWT Phrase 1? Are you excited for the Korra and Asami update? Have you played TMWT yet? Tell us in the comments.