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We Might Lose Porn In 2025
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 months ago
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Now I’m not in a hurry to do a doom and gloom post like everyone else is doing, but I did see something on Twitter that caught my attention.

Now I was pretty confused about what the NSFW game developer was talking about, what was going to happen to porn? Well, with the recent news that Trump will be our president again, starting 2025, there’s been a document going around, called Project 2025, which states things that Trump might have plans to implement in 2025. And one of those plans includes removing porn.

Now this Project 2025 has a lot of off the wall ideas written in it, so it’s safe to say that I think the porn one is pretty low on the list. And hell, Trump wanted to get a whole wall built that never happened, so what’s to say that this would ever actually come to pass. But luckily, this list isn’t written by Trump and more so the supporters of Trump. And when you think about it, I honestly can’t see America without porn. Like, what would be considered porn at that point? Is it only official studios that are making it who would be hit? Would it be people self making porn themselves who should worry? Would different laws on real and fictional porn come into play? What would happen to big places like Pornhub and Onlyfans? It’s a lot of different variables to consider, since porn isn’t just a small little thing you can remove with no effect happening to the world. Just look at how Tumblr turned out.

So many of these companies actually make a lot off of porn, like Patreon. I also believe, and this might just be me DOOMING, but I wouldn’t be surprise if sexual harassment increase. Now I understand us men on this site have self control, but I know you’ve all seen or met that one guy who just really didn’t know how to talk or act around a woman. If these dudes didn’t have sexual videos to wack it off to, who knows how creepier they’d be to women. I’m not saying they’ll go straight to rape, but I can see guys being way more desperate to get into a relationship with a girl, just to get some form of release. So the pressure some guys would start putting onto the girls for sexual favors could start increasing overall.

So all in all, I don’t think this idea would even work out, and I don’t even see the benefit. They say it’s to protect the kids, but at the end of the day, the parents just need to keep kids away from porn. Problem solved. Or maybe we have a better school program that talks about sex and how it actually works. Instead of always trying to avoid it and act like it’s the most hellish act on earth.

Do you think this plan will actually come to pass? Can you see America without porn? Do you think removing porn would be a good idea? Tell us in the comments.

VeryTired 4 months ago
The next 4 years are going to be full of "we told you so" and "you idiots voted for this".
Anon - Disappointed 4 months ago
Project 2025 has been disavowed repeatedly- by trump even- it was some think tanks creation.
And I'll believe it when I see it.
Back when he was elected the first time I kept hearing about how he was going to kick out everyone that wasn't white and round up all the LGBT types. None of that happened- I'm pretty sure this won't either.
Chaos729 4 months ago
I fucking hope not. But the dumbfuck republicans and others that voted for Trump. Congrats, this and a whole bunch of other shit is what you wanted.

"B-But I'm one of the good ones, it won't happen to ME!"


Been fucking hilarious seeing republicans' brains kick into gear realizing what tariffs are and how it affects us. Fucking sheep.
Anon - Name 4 months ago
Nah, porn’s not going anywhere. Even if this site does, porn will never die no matter who's in office. There's no point in getting emotional over fear mongering or propaganda, either. Besides, actions speak louder than words. Until it happens, I wont believe it.
Anon - allwillbecum 4 months ago
Even this site is following the dems fearmongering? Trump has already been president and nothing of this happened. Stop with the bullshit. He won't ban porn. He fucks pornstars, he likes porn. The one more likely to ban porn was Kamala because "muh masogeny"
Gennos 4 months ago
Stop being retarded. It's some talking points from the Heritage Foundation that has nothing to do with Trump. People pushing this as Trump's agenda are seething and coping over his win.
Heroyth 4 months ago
It is true or that something the Woke, Lefty and Democrat have put here for joke to anger us?
Returner6th 4 months ago
Real talk: The worst thing that will happen with Trump elected is that online discourse will be more insufferable than ever (or just as insufferable as it already was during his first presidency), as already demonstrated by this comment section. Everything else will just be the usual BS and institutional degradation that always happens whenever a Republican is on the oval office.
Gintokiftw 4 months ago (edited 4 months ago)
I just want to note that because of the my State’s GOP’s policy (which is in control of all of my state’s govt), if you want to access PH and some other IRL porn sites you have to use a VPN. Same for many other states in the south controlled by the GOP.
Thankfully, hentai sites are not yet impacted, but I chalk that up more to the GOP not knowing what hentai is than being magnanimous.
Anon - usa will see truth 4 months ago
problem is Trump needs the entire congress to pass this crap, and he won't get to it or have the votes. plus, he needs to pass other things in congress like a budget.