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Watch Invincible, WATCH!
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

Well, I say that, but I haven’t even watched Invincible yet. Now, I know Invincible isn’t an anime, but it’s been making its rounds on social media and other platforms, so I felt like I had to talk about it. I usually don’t go out of my way to watch anything that isn’t anime, but after seeing clips and getting it recommended to me by some friends, I’m thinking about checking it out.

Might not be anime, but it still have lewd art like one.

The main thing that most people who haven’t even watched the show know about is the “Think Mark, Think!” meme. I know that’s what I first saw of it, and I even watched the scene that the meme came from, and watching that clip is what sold me. The meme might be all good and funny, but the scene that it’s from is anything but.

Think Mark, THINK!

The meme has gotten so big that people are parodying other things using it, such as other comic book shows, cartoons, video games, and anime. A meme that has gone global, and also advertising the show itself. See, I wouldn’t be writing this article if it wasn’t for the meme, so it’s doing some positive. Comic books aren’t really my thing, and super heroes never grabbed my attention until My Hero Academia. I’m a weeb, and I watch weeb things, but Invincible is something that I’ll have to break my weeb bias to check out.

Think Shiro, THINK! Why would I watch Invincible, if it's not an anime.

Have you watched Invincible yet? Have you seen the meme before? Do you only watch anime? Tell us in the comments.