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Waifu Wars: Fooly Cooly
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

I haven’t done a Waifu Wars article in a while, and I think I have a few girls that I think can go head to head with each other. Today on Waifu Wars, I want to talk about the two main girls of one of my favorite shows, Fooly Cooly. A show that jump started my love for anime girls, with the introduction of Haruko and Mamimi.



I truly do love both of these girls, it’s honestly hard for me to choose between the two of them. Haruko is a mature crazy woman, who enjoys hitting guys with her guitar on her vespa. While Mamimi is a high school truant, who smokes alot but also have some hot a fuck DSLs.

At the end of the day, I feel like both of these girls are not the best to be in a relationship with, but if I had to pick one, it would have to be Haruko. I feel like my personality would fit and vibe more with hers. I also feel like Mamimi’s smoking would get on my nerves after a while.

Who do you think is the better waifu between Haruko and Mamimi? Are both of these girls too crazy for you? Would a girl smoking be a deal breaker for you? Tell us in the comments.