I hope you’re ready for a hentai that’ll suck you dry. If you’re looking for a hentai with plot, this may be the hentai for you. Vampire, now with it’s new full realized title, Vampire Pink, is the next English dub hentai by Kitty Media. Here’s a summary:
Yuuto Akiyama serves as a butler to a household of sexy women that includes a pink-haired vampire named Serena! Mysteriously, Yuuto seems immune to the fatal charms of Serena and soon discovers his own strange powers.
Another series that is vanilla and not recent. I’m starting to think that Kitty Media doesn’t want to make the risky decision of doing something really kinky in fear of sales. And it might not be that easy to get the rights to dub over more recent hentai. Either way, all we can do is keep an eye out for more releases and hope for the best.
You can check out Vampire Pink and other Kitty Media products on Rightstuf.
Have you seen Vampire Pink before? Have you been enjoying Kitty Media’s English hentai dubs? Why do you think they haven’t done any recent hentai? Tell us in the comments.