Anime cons are a great way for otaku to socialize with their friends in anime. They catch up on the great anime and manga of the past and see what is to come. People can travels hundreds of miles to go to one of these special events and have the times of their lives. Some fans dress up in incredible costumes and show off, others go to sell their wares, but they all have fun. To drive home how popular these events are, we've taken the liberty of running down the top 11 most packed cons of the previous year.
Recognizable cons such as Comic Con are not listed due to not being primarily about anime. Though to satisfy curiosities, New York Comic Con 2016 had an attendance of roughly 180,000.
11. Otakuthon
2017 Attendance: 22,065
When: August 4, 2017 - August, 6, 2017
Where: Palais des congrĆØs de MontrĆ©al, MontrĆ©al, QC
Otakuthon is Quebec's largest festival celebrating anime, manga, gaming, and pop culture. Otakuthon offers a wide range of programming, exhibits, and other events. Otakuthon's programming consists of cosplay events, a masquerade, vendors, an Artists' Area, panels and workshops, game shows, anime video screenings, dances, karaoke, and music concerts. The first of its kind in Montreal, Otakuthon is a full-fledged, fan-run, bilingual anime convention that features a number of special guests as well as many activities and events spotlighting anime, manga, video games, artwork, and Japanese culture.
Otakuthon 2018 will be held between August 3, 2018 - August 5, 2018 at the Palais des congrĆØs de MontrĆ©al in MontrĆ©al, QC.
Image from MrJechgo of DeviantArt
10. Youmacon
2016 Attendance: 21,036
When: November 3-6, 2016
Where: Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center / Cobo Center, Detroit, MI
Youmacon is a popular culture event similar to most "Comic Cons", however instead of focusing on comic books, Youmacon is a celebration of Japanese popular culture and its influence on our own culture over the past few decades. Common themes throughout the event are Anime, Video Games, Japanese style artwork and comics, and the rising internet culture influenced by all of the above.
Youmacon 2017 will be held between November 2, 2017 - November 5, 2017 at the Detroit Cobo Center in Detroid, MI.
Image from Anime-Remix
9. Sakura-Con
2016 Attendance: 23,000
When: March 25-27, 2016
Where: Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Seattle, WA
Presented by the Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association, Sakura-Con is the oldest and most well attended anime convention in the Pacific Northwest.
Sakura-Con will be held between March 30, 2018 - April 1, 2018 at the Washington St. Convention Center in Seattle, WA.
Image from DamnJames of DeviantArt
8. Anime Boston
2017 Attendance: 25,848
When: March 31 - April 2, 2017
Where: Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA
Anime Boston is a three-day convention held annually in Boston, Massachusetts, USA under the supervision of the New England Anime Society. Our focus is to celebrate and promote Japanese animation, comics, and pop-culture. This event has been a cornerstone of the northeast anime convention circuit since our inaugural event in April 2003. Following unprecedented growth, we quickly outgrew the space in the Boston Park Plaza Hotel and moved to the Hynes Convention Center in 2005. The Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston have allowed us to grow in ways we could not have imagined since the idea was first conceived. While the main focus on Anime Boston has always been Japanese animation and comics, we have expanded to include other aspects of Japanese pop-culture: J-Pop, J-Rock, and live-action Japanese media. We have also delved into Japanese history and traditional culture, thus encouraging people to develop a more well-rounded perspective.
Anime Bostom 2018 will be held between March 30, 2018 - April 1, 2018 at the Hynes Convention Center in Bostom, MA.
Image from skeletonboy13 of Imgur
7. Anime Matsuri
2017 Attendance: 36,270
When: April 7 - 9, 2017
Where: George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX
Anime Matsuri is an annual anime, Japanese culture and related arts convention hosted at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. Join thousands of fans and explore of over 1,500,000 sq feet of anime, panels, workshops, Special Guests, celebrities, Vendor/Exhibitor area, Artist Alley/showcase, live concerts, Japanese fashion Show, Cosplay Contests, Gaming, and over 500 hrs of programming including a Japanese car show!
Anime Matsuri Hawaii was held between November 27 - 29, 2015 at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, and was not held again in 2016. The convention's programming included a concert, cosplay showcase, J-Fashion show, screenings, and panels. Yuegene Fay, a cosplayer, cancelled her appearance due to immigration issues.
Anime Matsuri 2018 will be held between March 30, 2018 - April 1, 2018 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX.
Image from Tokyo Girls Update
6. Anime Weekend Atlanta
2016 Attendance: 28,781
When: September 29 - October 2, 2016
Where: Renaissance Waverly Hotel & Cobb Galleria Centre, Atlanta, GA
Anime Weekend Atlanta has a wide variety of events including video room showings of Japanese cartoons from new releases and titles going back to the 1960's, a dealer's room with retailers who sell Japanese animation and manga related merchandise such as toys, videos, audio CDs and artwork, workshops, panel discussions on various topics including the current trends in Japan and how they will affect the United States, a costume contest where attendees dress up as their favorite anime or manga character, and scores of guests who have worked or currently are working in the industry.
Anime Weekend Atlanta 2017 will be held between September 28, 2017 - October 1, 2017 at the Renaissance Waverly Hotel & Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, GA.
Image from VHNoffician of YouTube
5. Otakon
2016 Attendance: 24,894
When: August 11-13, 2017
Where: Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD
Otakon is the convention of the otaku generation: by fans, for fans, and since 1999 they've reigned over much of Baltimore's Inner Harbor with a three day event celebrating the diverse pop culture that has given us everything from Attack on Titan to Yu Yu Hakusho, from Hidden Fortress to Howl's Moving Castle.
Otakon 2018 will be held between August 10, 2018 - August 12, 2018 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC.
Image from NyOtaku
4. Anime North
2016 Attendance: 29,973
When: May 27-29, 2016
Where: Toronto Congress Center / International Plaza Hotel, Toronto, ON
Anime North is an anime convention located in Toronto, Canada that celebrates anime, manga, music, games and all other forms of Japanese Culture.
Anime North 2017 will be held between May 26, 2017 - May 28, 2017 at the Toronto Congress Center in Toronto, ON.
Image from KingOfJin of DeviantArt
3. Anime Central
2016 Attendance: 31,469
When: May 20-22, 2016
Where: Hyatt Regency O'Hare / Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, IL
Anime Central (ACen) is Chicago's and the Midwest's largest anime, manga and Japanese popular culture convention. The convention is currently held in Rosemont, IL, less than 30 minutes from downtown Chicago. As part of its mission, ACen brings fans together with guests from the Japanese and US sectors of the anime and manga industry, as well as gaming, cinema, and Asian culture personalities. The event includes a huge exhibit hall, a massive video game room, concerts, dances, educational panels and workshops, premiere screenings, autograph sessions, 24-hour video rooms, tabletop gaming and much, much more.
Anime Central will be held between May 19, 2-17 - 21, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare / Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL.
Image from semi-surreal of DeviantArt
2. A-Kon
2016 Attendance: 32,639
When: June 3-5, 2016
Where: Hilton Anatole Dallas, Dallas, TX
A-Kon hosts anime fans and guests and offers other items of interest ranging from gaming to independent film, all in the quest to provide the best experience for the fans and bring the most engaging and educations entertainment to the anime community.
A-Kon 2017 will be held between June 8, 2017 - June 11, 2017 at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, TX.
A-Kon is moving from it's normal home in Dallas to Forth Worth. Possible reasons for this is to avoid clashing with another con's schedule, or to move to a more accomodating venue.
Image from Burdened With Glorious Cosplay of YouTube
1. Anime Expo
2017 Attendance: 107,658
When: July 1-4, 2017
Where: Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA
Currently the largest project managed by the SPJA, Anime Expo is an annual convention currently held at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Historically Anime Expo (AX) has been held on July 4th weekend as a 4-day event. Anime Expo has grown in scale dramatically, and is currently the largest anime and manga convention in North America. It is the second longest running anime convention (after A-kon in Texas) starting in 1992. Popular large events include the Masquerade, Anime Music Video Contest, Concerts, Battle of the Bands, and the AX Fashion Show. Anime Expo is a 24-hour convention that offers late-night dances, all night video programming, tabletop gaming rooms, and open-mic Karaoke in the late evening/early morning hours. Many of the attendees cosplay while attending the convention, and there are many gatherings for fans of different anime and manga series. Renowned for its ability to bring famous guests to America for panels and concerts, Anime Expo has been the site of many U.S. premiers of shows, movies, and bands.
Anime Expo 2018 will be held between July 4, 2018 - July 8, 2018 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA.
Image from Legit Reviews
Have you ever been to an anime convention before? Tell us about your experiences in the comments below.