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Please Don't Fuck Up My Girls
By WakeUpSnooze • 1 year ago

If you’re in the seasonal anime game, it won’t be long before you find a series that you love and are quickly disappointed to learn that a season two is nowhere on the horizon. Hell I’m still sitting here wondering when I’m going to get my continuation of Talentless Nana or literally any yuri romance ever. Most of the time these anime end with the intention of driving you to read the manga which hey if it works it works, but I’m too attached to the medium to switch over and become a manga boy. Today however, I want to talk about a rare case where you actually hope one of your favorite anime DOESN’T receive a second installment. 

Lycoris Recoil was a breakout hit anime of last summer. Flashy fight sequences combined with cute girls who were actually developed and an overarching theme were a formula for success. The series wrapped up the main plotline and pretty much resolved every issue I can remember. And I thought “Damn that was a great ride. Goodbye girls and thanks for the memories” to which they told me to fuck off by promptly announcing a “new animation project” back on February 11th of this year. Obviously from the wording alone we have very little information. It could be a TV series, a movie, a music video, who knows. Of course the former option is the most likely given the translation of the full tweet announcement: "Lycoris Recoil new animation production decision, the story of the two... never ends." And here’s where I start to get nervous. Never ends? Huh? My guy everybody’s story ends one day. Everything was wrapped up so neatly that I’m afraid a second season will come across as unnecessary and fail to capture that same magic. When a series ends so well I’m rooting for it not to get continued so that there is zero chance of ruining the legacy. Cyberpunk Edgerunners? Vivy: Fluorite Eyes Song? Amazing anime, and don’t ever give me another season of either.

Please don't hit me with "the first season was actually a VR game the whole time".

Hopefully since the production team was clearly skilled enough to create the competent first season, they can find a way to make a second season compelling and expand the story in a way that doesn't feel forced. Don’t know how the fuck you’d do that at this point, but that’s why I’m a doujins blogger and their names are in the credits. Miracles do happen after all, just look at Jaws: The Revenge. Everyone’s favorite I hear! Did you watch Lycoris Recoil? Have you seen some anime that you hope never receive sequels or continuations at this point? See an announcement, get hype, and be disappointed when it doesn’t live up to your prior expectations in the comments below!