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Lewdapocalypse - A Hentai Parody Game Done Right
By Yung Namahage • 3 years ago

I've been binging the Resident Evil games lately. After getting through the fixed camera angles and limited saves of RE1 HD and RE0 I've beaten the more recent remakes of RE2 and RE3, and I've bought pretty much every other main game in the series including Code Veronica X and both Revelations. As short as it was I really enjoyed playing as the seasoned zombie slayer Jill Valentine in her journey through the collapsing, undead infested Raccoon City. But I can't help but feel the game is missing something. So thank God I came across Lewdapocalypse when I did.

Lewdapocalypse Hentai Evil, to give it its full name, is for all intents and purposes a hentai parody of Resident Evil 3. It was even released just a couple weeks after the remake. But unlike other cheap hentai "parodies" you can find, Lewdapocalypse has enough to stand on its own. Sure, it's filled with references to the original, but the gameplay is fun enough and you don't need to have played the original to appreciate it.

You play as Lara, a member of S.L.U.T.S, (Special Lethal Urban Tactics Squad of Postmans). One day in Beaver City (get it?) the sinister Cum Corporation releases a virus that turns the population into horny zombies. She hooks up with a hunky Hispanic Cum Corp mercenary named Rick who assists her in surviving. All the while, Lara finds herself pursued by the monstrous, betentacled Penesis.

OK, so subtlety may not be in this game's vocabulary, but you can tell it was made by fans of the original. Speaking of which, the game even features a choice system just like the 1999 RE3 that was absent in the 2020 version, so in a way, it's closer to the original game than the remake is. The core gameplay involves simple but addictive point-and-click shooting sequences you can easily play with one hand. Ammo is scarce so you have to search for more in the environment, a clear nod to its survival horror inspiration. And like RE1 and RE2R you can use knives to shake off zombies that invade your personal space. The story is advanced through VN-like cutscenes that often lead to simple puzzles you solve to unlock animated sex scenes.

Multiple endings plus unlockable weapons and outfits mean this game has more replay value than RE3R, even if it is much shorter. The game comes with censored and uncensored options, and there are plenty of sex scenes to unlock given its short length. Fans of Resident Evil will definitely get a kick out of this, but as I alluded to earlier I'd also recommend this to non-fans who just want a game that's short, sexy, funny and cheap.

Lewdapocalypse Hentai Evil is available on Steam here. It's cheap enough already, but if you'd rather try before you buy you can get a demo here.

Over to you guys; are you a fan of Resident Evil? Which one is your favorite in the series? Do you think this makes for a good parody game? Leave your thoughts below!