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KyoAni Servers Retrieved; Director Yasuhiro Takemoto Confirmed Dead
By Kasaix • 4 years ago

The news concerning the tragedy of KyoAni's arson continues to pour in. We talked about it a couple of times, HERE and HERE. Let's start off with some good news. It's been confirmed that servers holding KyoAni's data were unharmed. Apparently they were stored in a concrete room, so the fire that consumed the building and the water used by firefighters didn't reach it. All the same, they were handled with care when the data was recovered. It's confirmed that the data held on the servers was 'digitized original images'. Whether that was the only thing stored there, we're not sure. You can read about that HERE.

As of this writing, Sentai's Gofundme to help KyoAni has reached $2,319,630. KyoAni is also accepting direct donations, which you can see HERE, and that's doing quite well. It's nice to see people come together to help in such a terrible time. To all those who donated, or otherwise offered your assistance, you're a good person.

Now an update on one of the missing individuals: Yasuhiro Takemoto, a director at KyoAni. He is confirmed to have died. A brief confirmation can be seen HERE. A list of his works can be found HERE, but titles you'll likely be familiar with include Lucky Star and Kobayashi's Maid Dragon. No solice can be found here, but police suggested that many who died likely did not suffer much, as the carbon monoxide would have gotten to them before the fire. 

Here's another hearty 'go fuck yourself' to the arsonist Shinji Aoba. Here's hoping the Japanese equivalent of Bubba gives him a warm welcome in prison.