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Japan Law Regarding Hentai Censorship Under Review
By Kasaix β€’ 5 years ago
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It's not often we discuss politics around here. In fact, we don't discuss them at all. I did once do an article about idiots linking video games to gun violence, but that was a one-off. This time around, we're discussing Japanese law. More specifically, Criminal Code 175, the law demanding the censorship of porn.

Taro Yamada, a member of the House of Councilors who has a pretty fun-looking YouTube account, is working with various agencies like the police to legalize uncensored 2D and live action porn. With a bit of google translate, you can read about that HERE. Yamada is definitely one of us, having voiced opposition to censorship in anime, manga, and gaming when he was running for his current post, which can be seen HERE. A politican who gives two wits about censorship in anime, manga, and gaming is amazing, and of course he'd be from Japan.

In a tweet thread from On Takahashi, the CEO of Irodori Comics discusses the current state of things regarding the law, the struggle it would be to get uncensored hentai, and whether or not companies would actually take advantage of it to put out uncensored hentai. You can read the thread HERE, and the first part below, because it's 25 posts and I'm not putting up 25 tweets. 


Let's be honest here, this will be an uphill battle, and Takahashi outlines exactly why. Take a look at Tokyo Mirage Session #fe. On the Wii U, the western release was censored while the original Japanese version was not. In the Encore release for the Switch, it was censored everywhere, even in Japan. That's not a good sign. Fortunately, the backlash was so bad, Nintendo offered refunds for digital pre-orders in Japan, which you can see HERE. Either way, let's be hopeful for change, but prepared for everything to remain the same. 

Now, why should people in the west care? If uncensored anime, manga, games, and hentai can come to Japan, there's hope that it can reach the west. If not, we can always import uncensored stuff like before. It'll be easier to get our hands on uncensored stuff either way.

Anon - Prof 5 years ago
Great news everyone! There could be a timeline where there is less censorship in the world not more, a place where adults are treated with respect instead of hate by selfish control freaks, a place where artists can freely express their views.
Himinthetub 5 years ago
If this law gets successfully revised, it's definitely going to feel like we're in an alternate universe. I can't imagine how joyful and precious a life with uncensored Japanese porn and hentai could be. Let's cross our fingers and hope this quickly affects as soon it gets passed and artists get their cooch-groove on.
Harko 5 years ago
MrObvious 5 years ago
I remember when Monogatari's Kanbaru Suruga was casually talking about not wearing panties beneath her spats AND of wearing the same pair for days on end. It's good to have a fresh breath of air in a time when censorship and demonetization for ANYTHING is typically the norm. Good on this guy and cheers/support from the US!
jupmod 5 years ago
That's good news to me. I really do not like censors, given hentai, porn, and other adult stuff are aimed for *adults*, so I see no point in censoring them anyway. I'm a grown man, and I can handle it. If any *adult* can't handle seeing a cock in a pussy, why is that person looking at this stuff anyway? I really do not like it when the crybaby wimps make these laws.
Anon - 5 years ago
Returner6th 5 years ago
But on topic, as nice as it would be to not having to deal with those annoying black bars and mosaics in Japanese porn, it seems that changing the law will really be an uphill battle like that Twitter thread says, so I'm not getting my hopes up.
Returner6th 5 years ago
TMS#Fe doesn't work as an example because that game's censorship really has more to do with other factors rather than with Japanese culture: the Switch is region free unlike the Wii U, so they don't do multiple versions of games for different markets, and for whatever reason they wanted the game to have a T rating in America. If it had come out with a M rating it wouldn't have been censored at all