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Has Endeavor Redeemed Himself?
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

In anime and media in general, some characters are created to be loved, while others are created to be hated. The thing that surprised me about My Hero Academia, is how much I started liking the wife and child abuser, Endeavor. The man I couldn’t stand at first, is slowly becoming one of my favorite characters, and I’m not sure how many other people can relate.

"How could people like a man who beat his own son? Think Todoroki, THINK!!!"

Endeavor is a character who was built to be hated. He was a man with an inferiority complex, he abused his wife, he abused his son Todoroki, he even did more horrible things that haven’t even been shown in the anime yet, but we all should know what that is by now. The point is, you’re supposed to hate Endeavor from the second he was introduced. But now, with everything that’s been going down with him and trying to fix his past mistakes, is it enough after everything he’s done? For me, yes. Endeavor is someone who made mistakes, thinking he was doing what was best. We all make mistakes, some worse than others, but in the end of the day, it was a mistake, and how you try to fix them is what matters in the end. I’m not saying that you have to like Endeavor, but you have to respect the man. He’s doing more than my dad ever did.

I wish my dad would hug me.

I’m hoping to see more of Endeavor and his change going forward. He might not be the symbol of peace we wanted like All Might, but he’s the symbol of positive change that we all can look up to, and strive to be.

What do you think of Endeavor? Do you forgive Endeavor? Have you made mistakes that you regret and fixed? Tell us in the comments.