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Audio Doujins: Jean Takes the Lead Role
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

Genshin Impact has many waifus, so I’m sure it’s hard to pick a favorite. But I know that I can say one of them is my favorite, and that’s Jean. She has that strong woman air about her, and don’t get me started on her sexy and tight ass. So I’m happy to be getting some audio doujins of her, and Nyahahn did a wonderful job portraying Jean’s strong and confident voice. Which makes the voice sound even better when it’s a begging and quivering mess. We also have Tempty voicing the spunky Amber, and MacStar voicing the devoted Barbara. The sexy Kaeya was voiced by Kinky.

Jean voiced by Nyahahn

Amber voiced by Tempty

Barbara voiced by MacStar

Kaeya voiced by ImJustThatKinky

What did you think of everyone's performance? Would you like to see more Jean doujins? How have you been enjoying Genshin Impact audio doujin month? Tell us in the comments.