A lot of people were hoping for a new Fable, it’s been years since the last Fable. Hell, the last Fable game people got was some free to play card game, which I’m pretty sure no one even knew about or played.
What the fuck is this?
But now, Fable fans can rejoice, and enjoy an actual sequel/new installment to the Fable series. With updated graphics, that makes the whole game look great…well, the whole game except the female protagonist.
And let me tell you, people have a lot to say about this new female protagonist.
Now I’m not sure about the whole western games loving to make ugly female characters. Like, we got Elizabeth from Bioshock: Infinite, who’s been a porn icon for years.
But I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that in Fable, you’re able to create your own character. So if that feature isn’t removed from this title, then the horny Fable fanboys have nothing to worry about. You’ll still be able to make and play your sexy created waifu. Unless that feature is removed, if so then…yikes…
My face when I can't create my own character.
Are you excited for the new Fable? Do you think the female character they use looks ugly? Do you think western game developers try to make ugly female characters? Tell us in the comments.