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A Game That's A Little Too Real To Life
By Kasaix • 7 years ago
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Do you remember back when you were younger, and you first discovered porn? It was new, and exciting, and thrilling. It was also terrifying, because you knew, deep down inside, you shouldn't be looking at it. It's a treacherous time, you want to get into it without leaving yourself too exposed and unaware of your surroundings. If someone found out, you could be in trouble. This is the premise of a game known as You Must Be 18 or Older To Enter, a free to play game developed by Seemingly Pointless designer James Cox.

This is a horror game, capturing the innate fear we all felt the first time we explored pornography and was completely terrified of getting caught by parents or other adults who could punish us for being naughty. The shame, fear, and excitement if captured by this seemingly simple game. You play as a young person first exploring the internet on an old computer and searching for simple terms only the young would know, like "people doing it" or "sex". You're given another option to click: "look behind you". Therein lies the options we were all given back then. Some sites have the old tropes to be wary of, like exaggerated pornography sounds that would get even adults a suspicious look. Mr. Cox calls this a "tangible horror", fear we can experience in normal life, as opposed to the fantastical horror like zombies or demons.

There is some porn in this game, but it's in ACII art. The point isn't to get real players aroused, but frightened. We're given porn with no context, and we're left to wonder if this is normal porn or something worse, and we can't ask for guidance or people would learn that we've been watching porn.


Are you interested in reliving the primal fear we felt when we were younger? Tell us in the comments below.

Jagsenpai 7 years ago
Ahhh the good old days.