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0Lightsource Is Shining Light On Your Favorite Hentai Girls
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

Hentai character designs can range from generic as fuck, to hot as fuck. Just because something is hentai, doesn't mean they don’t put thought into how their characters look. You know you have a good character design or a well known show, when someone can draw them in their artstyle and people can still tell who the character is. Today, I wanted to put that theory to the test. Amazing artist 0Lightsource has drawn some hot as fuck hentai babes, in his hot as fuck artstyle.

I was only able to recognize 6 out of the 8 pictures on which hentai show the characters are from. Now I’m not going to lie, if you wanted me to tell you their names, I wouldn’t know half of them. But hey, let’s be honest, how many girls' names do we actually remember after a one night stand.

How many characters out of the 8 pictures did you recognize? Can you name any of the characters by name? What do you think of 0Lightsource’s artstyle? Tell us in the comments.