10/10 characters look edible just like the people in my meat locker a 10/10 there always like stop eating my boyfriends face in front of me and spit at me like please some common courtesy here we are not savages this is the 21st century
Me seeing cheating/NTR *in this shirt starts playing* no no no NOOOOOOO *starts crying* they cant keep getting away from this (this shit the plot to a Dharman video sons friend fucks his mom and sister regrets it when the father comes home and blasts a hole through his chest) Overall i don't really care and you reading this don't really care what i say so just laugh at the jokes i made
Next time the guy will end up f'ing the mother again, and then the sister.
He'll get them both pregnant or someshit like that.
The son will find out and not do shit.
Son will carry on being a pussy while his sister and mother get fucked and impregnated.
So yeah, pretty basic ntr plot that hapens all the time.
Shit like this doesn't even affect me anymore