I'm a futanari enjoyer.. but for this? Fuck no! If someone is enjoying this.. they're crazy my dude. This isn't right. If you jerked up to this bullshit. Then your totally messed up. And yes! And it's a child goddamnit. And even if it's lolicon? It's never even right on the first place! Who ever made this. Needs to fucking retire and delete this bullshit. Humanity is already fucked up.
Why the fuck this gotta be one of the only non-gender-bender or futa-on-male FUTA doujin in weeks, and it turns into this brutal shit. Real fucking poor taste, and leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Wanna say "hope someone else at least enjoys it" like most stuff that isn't to my taste, but I think I'd rather a have a world where no one was into such blatant rape, and of a kidnapped child no less
Kipnapping and raping a child? This is why those tags are frowned upon. Loli was never ok but this is just too far. You disgraced futa. Delete this and retire.
Look at all the kiddies in the comments complaining about fucked up shit, as if this isn't the fucked up shit site. I fapped and came, fuckin hot as shit
I would like some context behind this. Itβs straight up loli rape as far as I can tell. I like the art in general and the futa but the content... not for me
Acting like you dont see fucked up shit daily