3 years ago
(edited 3 years ago)
Go kill yourself you loser, you actually made an account just bother people, how much free time do you have you fucking loser go accomplish something for once in your miserable life or do something productive you worthless piece shit you fucking waste of air
3 years ago
This was really good: Perverted but cute and with nice art (even if the ending is kind of a cop-out). It's really surprising there's so few doujins about Naruto using his clones with Hinata. I have seen some people saying she would be too shy for that, but frankly, she is so devoted to the guy I find it difficult to believe she wouldn't relish being surrounded by several Narutos.
3 years ago
I always thought Naruto have the ability to be a one-man gang-bang, thus he can satisfy any woman who would not mind being gang-banged. Not to mention he gets the memories of his clones, thus it would be quite overwhelming for him to get multiple orgasms. XD
Anon - PervyPupper
3 years ago
This was very perverted and still wholesome. What a joy to see a great doujins that's not NTR.
Anon - Anonymous
3 years ago
I want to see some cecyart by tenshi that has a few Boruto hentai in it.
Anon - Anónimo
3 years ago
Si está leyendo este comentario, sus padres morirán dentro de 5 años. Para deshacer esta maldición, debes copiar esto y pegarlo en otros 5 mangas.
I agree with them the hypocrisy is stupid.