Artist: Juna Juna Juice
4 years ago
The download file has the pages numbered the same as , so when you extract the files (and if you say to replace the duplicate named files thinking they should be the same thing anyway) replaces and you lose those pages.
Anon - Villian
4 years ago
I wish he killed him. His mom needs him so he let him have her. Fucking really? He just admits she was a play thing he never got bored of degrading. He let everyone know by publicly posting a video of his mom giving out her name that he turned his mom into a toy.
Said he "forgave" her for getting clingy as he more and more successfully trained and broke her. The sons decision is bullshit.
Said he "forgave" her for getting clingy as he more and more successfully trained and broke her. The sons decision is bullshit.
Anon - losotto
4 years ago
Hentai is a privilege not a necessity, it doesn't have to be realistic so stop whining about it, better yet ask a lot of girls out and get familiar with their different personalities, you'll find out everyone is responsible for themselves. This should've been guilt free but you all saw only what you wanted to see, she basically said she was happy her son left so she can be sexually uninhibited.
4 years ago
I liked it until the garbage ending. Why did the son suddenly become all alpha. Cringe
Anon - Alpha
4 years ago
It’s funny seeing these comments about hating it when they clearly didn’t have to read it but they did dumbasses
Anon - Sato
4 years ago
So she pretty much forgot her son? I'm curious if they going to make sequel to this to see how the son is responding to her, I don't agree with his decision but hmph to eaches own.
Anon - red255
4 years ago
what are you on about? Mom's 40+ and not gotten good sex since the father left if that. he makes her dress sexy and wants to have sex with her with the libido of a 20 year old male.
I sent the coronavirus to wipe out the metoo movement prior to the US Census in April. Correct yourself or die.
I sent the coronavirus to wipe out the metoo movement prior to the US Census in April. Correct yourself or die.
The way things were going throughout I thought everyone would get visibly pregnant at the end whether or not everyone fell under the main UB's control.
Just warning people in advance.