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Would You Buy A Sexual NFT?
By WakeUpSnooze • 2 years ago

Love them or hate them, NFTs are currently the talk of the town. Just recently some guy got some of his monkey NFT collection stolen which was apparently worth $2 million in total. The monkeys were later retrieved with help from some sort of centralized organization (which is a very naughty term for us tech guys) and now NFTs have become a laughing stock both in the aspect of their technological limits and insecurities as well as the core concept itself. Basically everyone and their mother are also trying to create and sell NFTs, even celebrities in the mainstream. Most of these are dogshit attempts that further tarnish the idea of NFTs to the general populace. Hell some people are simply stealing art and turning it into NFTs to try and profit. So in other words this tech is in a beautiful little phase called “early in the life cycle”. 

Now as someone who has little interest and even smaller knowledge about NFTs, allow me to provide the baseline in case anyone still doesn't know what they are. Basically, an NFT is a file, often of the image type, that you can “own” using blockchain technology. For example, I can buy a drawing of a monkey that’s an NFT, and I am now the official owner. Other people could still just… you know… screenshot the fucking page and gain that image for themselves, however, in the official records of the blockchain it can be confirmed that I’m the true owner of that image. So to my understanding it’s a prestige thing. Anyone can steal images on the Internet, but being able to see who the “true” owner/creator of an image or other file type is the appeal. With that out of the way, let’s get into the question.

Hey! Stop! Give me back my monkeys!!! No screenshotting permitted!

As it stands, would I buy a sexual NFT? Fuck no, not even of my favorite character for $5. I don’t really care about being the official owner of “Anime Girl’s Ass Gets Pounded Into Oblivion”. Not only are there still security risks associated with the tech so it’s unreliable if you can truly preserve your NFTs at the moment, but if everyone can simply get ahold of the image anyway it doesn’t offer me much appeal. I don’t want my name being put down in some official blockchain as the owner of some sexual content, and at the same time I don’t want Jimmy The Quick Buster to be fapping to an image I paid a damn good $5 for. That’s supposed to be my image dammit! 

With questions like this where I anticipate the answers to be too one-sided, I want to add a secondary question. Would you buy a sexual NFT if the technology progressed to a point where you had complete control over the image? For this hypothetical let’s raise the price to $10 for a lewd NFT of a character you like. Nobody else can screenshot it or download it. You can control who, if anyone, is allowed to see it and for how long. Security is top notch and not a worry. Also for the blockchain you can choose to either use your real name or a screen name. Sadly I'm a bit of a possessive psycho at times so I could see myself shilling out $10 to have an exclusive image of my favorite waifu or two that nobody else in the world can fap to without my approval. Still I’d have to put it down as a maybe though.

Lord don't let the Genshin gacha collectors know about NFT collections, they'll be poor in minutes. I would know.

Alright, hopefully this article made sense even to those who are unfamiliar with NFTs. And hopefully it didn’t butcher the concept too much to those who are familiar with NFTs. I’ll be interested to hear you guys' responses to both questions given how much heat NFTs have received in the past few weeks. Would you buy a sexual NFT in today’s conditions? Would you buy one with the hypothetical conditions I made up? Why or why not? Create a virtual wallet, steal some monkey art, and turn a profit in the comments below!