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We’re Getting Unicorn Overlord Hentai…But…
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 month ago

The game I've been waiting for and hyping up, Unicorn Overlord, is finally out, and after getting my hands on it, I can safely say that I’m not disappointed. The game is hella fun and addictive. I love the strategies I can come up with and the different ways I can play with my teams. The story seems like the weakest element at this point, but as I get more hours into the game, maybe that will change. But you know what isn’t the weakest part, the hot girls.

Finally, some Unicorn Overlord hentai.

In regular Vanillaware fashion, the game is sporting a huge cast of hot as fuck female characters. And in my other article where I talked about the game and its potential, I pointed out those girls. And I also pointed out a character that I was hoping to not get alot of hentai of. It’s not like she isn’t hot, but it would do the other girls a disservice. Well, guess what happened, they didn’t listen.

Ramona is the owl MILF that seemingly, NSFW artists are going crazy over. I haven’t reached her yet, so I’m not really sure why. Maybe she’s an interesting character, or maybe just a lot of furries are playing this game. Either way, I’m happy for all you owl fuckers out their. You guys are eating good.

People can't get enough.

Now all I’m waiting for is the big as fuck tank lady that everyone is seemingly also going crazy over. I hope you guys are into girls who are taller than you, cause that might be the next Unicorn Overlord waifu to get the NSFW treatment.

Amalia is seemingly the character that many are going feral for at the moment. But for good reason, she’s that dommy mommy type of woman. A woman who you would want to step on you, which she can easily do. She reminds me of Vanillaware’s other popular waifu, Amazon, from Dragon Crown’s. With an appearance like that, I hope she gets the lewd love just as much as Amazon did.

Do you like Remona hentai? Would you like to see hentai of Amalia? Are you interested in Unicorn Overlord? Tell us in the comments.