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UPDATED: YouTube Rewind 2018 is the Most Disliked Video
By Kasaix • 5 years ago

See update at the bottom of the article.

We don't normally cover YouTube shenanigans, unless there's something cute and/or sexy involved, but this is just too good not to cover. 

YouTube made a Rewind video for 2018, and it bombed hard. They tried to take it in stride, joking around on twitter about it, but there's no saving face on this. Let's take a look at this, then we can roast it.

*Everyone Controls Rewind

*See: our directors who want to show advertisers how safe and clean most of YouTube is, when it really isn't.

Clearly this video didn't go over so well. It beat out Justin Bieber's "Baby", as of this writing, by 4 million dislikes.

That's from a site that tracks things like dislikes. The image, and this link will take you there.

So what happened? One of the YouTubers in Rewind, Marques Brownlee, discusses it quite thoroughly.

To sum it up, they tried to cover everything and nothing. Everything clean and popular, including late night show hosts and twitch streamers, and nothing to do with popular YouTubers like PewDiePie and the KSI Vs. Logan Paul fight. As Marques said, since they included so much, what they didn't include really stood out. They were so out of touch with the actual YouTube community, it's laughable. One of the YouTubers in the video, some girl whose name escapes me at the moment, has not uploaded a video in some nine months. Also, "K Pop". Not even a mention of the band or song.

This was so clinically cleaned, it had to have been planned by a board of old white guys who used phrases and memes they learned that day. Since this was a huge and expensive ad for advertisers to throw their money at YouTube, given all the negative backlash, one wonders if their plans have thoroughly backfired. Even moreso since Jaiden of Jaiden Animations snuck in the PewDiePie chair and a bunch of other easter eggs in her section, such as Ugandan Knuckles.

And now, the obligatory PewDiePie review.

What did you think of the 2018 Rewind? When did Rewind really hit its peak? Sound off in the comments below!

UPDATE: Pewdiepie makes it better.

That was actually entertaining, and touched upon things that interest the actual YouTube community.