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Top 5 Anime of Winter Season 2023 That Deserve Doujins
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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I’ve been enjoying this season alot, not for the doujin potential, but for some of the great anime I get to watch. It seems like we’re going to have a few hidden gems this season, so let’s see if we also have some hidden gems when it comes to them being great doujin material. So let’s see what 2023 Winter Season of Anime has in store for us.

5. Buddy Daddies

No, I didn’t put this show here cause I want to see the main male characters fucking each other. Yaoi is always good, but I don’t need it for this series. I’m putting this here because of the hot daycare teacher we get to see in episode 4. If any female characters are hidden gems of this season of anime, it would be her sexy and thicc ass.

4. Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!

Another show where there’s just one girl that I’m interested in, and that’s Tomo-chan. Now, it’s not like there aren’t other hot girls in the show, but she’s the one who stuck out to me. If her childhood friend isn’t going to recognize her as a girl, then I guess it’s up to us to recognize her as a woman, with our cock.

3. DanMachi

I don’t care for this show, but I have to be honest and say that they have some pretty hot girls in it. The show seems to be getting better as the season goes on, which must mean the choices for waifus are also getting better and bigger. So you know your boy had to put this in the number 3 spot.

2. Spy Classroom

I watched one episode with Snooze, and I can confirm that this anime is not a hidden gem, but just hidden trash. Don’t pick this up if you want to watch actual good shows like Buddy Daddies or Revengers. But, with all the girls the show has, it can be consider good as fuck doujin material. With all the sexy spy girls that we can have sexy spy sex with, I can see the potential.

1. Onii-chan wa Oshimai!

What can I say about this show, the article cover speaks for itself. The anime is already beautiful, and I’ve seen the animation, which was great for no reason. The anime main character is a trap, so that’s already a plus, and one of the characters has huge mommy milkers, which is a double plus. A trap, and a big titted high school girl, sounds like a win to me. WE NEED SOME DOUJINS RIGHT NOW!!!!

I forgot to mention that Vinland Saga has a pretty girl aswell.

Do you agree with my list? What anime this season would you like to see get doujins? Do you think Vinland Saga should have been on this list? Tell us in the comments.

MrObvious 2 years ago
Tommo-Chan would obviously be one for me. The lead waifu is quite the adorable maiden and her 'boyish' charms and spats have plenty of potential.
yielding_1133 2 years ago
Not a trap, the main character gets turned into a girl so he has no peen.
umknown 2 years ago
I'd rather have original content.
Anon - Lol 2 years ago
I have a bad feeling about buddy daddies
jointman 2 years ago
yeah the teacher of Buddies is great !