Here to talk more about the Vic Mignogna situation. I like to talk about the things going on around the situation in a broader view since I think some of the things that are brought up are apart of a bigger conversation. Example, the part about the victims or the “victims” speaking out on the matter. Voice actor of Bulma and best girl Tsu or Froppy, Monica Rial after many years and backlash has finally revealed that she was also a victim of Vic Mignogna.
I can’t say that I completely understand the whole, “I’m not ready to tell my story” thing. We need you to tell us the story so we can help convict the man, telling us the story can help us get closer to the truth, but no one seems to want to do that. Many only want to yell that he has sexually assaulted them and that’s it. I need to know what you mean by sexual assault, we can’t just start throwing that term around for just hugs, we need to be careful with how we use that word.
Please speak up Tsu, I don't want to think that you're a liar.
But luckily another VA, Jamie Marchi, came out and told her story.
Her story sounds like something straight from an anime, but that doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Firstly, you shouldn’t be rubbing your hands in some girls hair out of nowhere, that’s a huge no no. And pulling it and saying something sexual in her ear definitely need some kind of punishment. But Vic has also come out and made his own post.
Now if everyone’s problem with Vic is how he hugs and kiss people on the cheeks, I need to ask? How many people told him to stop and he kept doing it to them. Hugs and kisses on the cheeks are not a crime. It’s like me being apart of a football team and saying that the coach is sexually assaulting me for smacking my ass. That’s socially acceptable in football, so it’s not sexual assault. But if I told him that I felt uncomfortable with him doing that, and he keeps doing it because I have such a juicy ass, then that’s when it become sexual assault.
I write these articles less as an attack on anyone and more as a way to understand people mindsets more. What do other people think, and am I alone with my confusion on some of this.
What do you consider sexual assault? Should Monica talk about her experience with Vic to help solve the problem? Is VIc lying about everything? Tell us in the comments below.