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Is Free Porn Worth Risking a Virus?
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 years ago


I was doing my usual run through all my porn sites, legal or otherwise and saw something great. It was a porn video that was scratching an itch that I was having at the moment, so of course I was like “let me download this.” So, I click download and it took me to a page saying that the download was only for premium member. So I was like, “Okay, I’m not a cheap fuck, I’ll pay for a premium.” Long story short, I didn’t buy a premium because the pay system looked shady as fuck and people on reddit stated that they never got their premium key. So, I found a way to get pass the premium membership but the place that offered this was also super shady. And a lot of cache clicks and 20 ads later, I got my video! But now I start wondering,” Did that give my computer a virus?”


At the moment I’m alright with searching through shady sites to find what I want since I’m using my old Windows XP, which is already a real piece of shit. You better believe I don’t do that shit on my new computer.


And no matter what you think, getting free porn doesn't make you some super cool hacker dude.



The reason people do things like this in the first place is because no matter how much porn is out there, the good ones are always behind some kind of cost. Now I’m not saying you’re in the wrong for trying to get it for free, but these people are human too. It is their job to do this and hopefully make some money back. But hey, if the thing you're trying to donwload for free is 10 years old. Does that make it better and fair game?

Now what about all the premium porn that’s behind a pay wall that are on credible sites, do you try to find those for free? I will not answer that question, which should help you figure out what my answer is. I’m actual all for paying for my porn, but the reason I’m okay with, you know, doing bad things, is because I would like a preview first. It’s a lot of time where I buy porn, hoping that it’ll be good but getting burned and it’s not like what I wanted. That shit totally suck. But I guess that’s the risk of anything, huh?


So I guess that beg the question, is better to risk getting a virus or risk losing money on a product that you might not enjoy? O.O

"The choice is yours and only yours..."

What do you guys thing? Are you okay trying to find great porn at the risk of a virus? Tell us in the comments below.