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Is Being a "SJW" Really a Bad Thing?
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago


I know that you all wish you could be a hero, who doesn’t. Saving people when they're in trouble, speaking up when someone is getting harassed, being the party pooper in a situation because you wanted to do the right thing, those are all true qualities of being a hero! Wait, there not? Those are the qualities of being a SJW online...what’s the difference?

For people who don’t know, SJW stands for “Social Justice Warrior”, it’s a real popular word that been getting around these days on the internet. Now me personally, I’m a person who can’t stand seeing people shit on someone for no damn reason. When I see that someone is honestly just attacking someone to, I guess throw their frustration out on someone else, It really gets on my nerves. But when I come in to do the right thing and call the guy out on his bullshit, all I’m hit with is people calling me a SJW or White Knighting? What the fuck is up with that shit?!

Image result for anime white knight

Ya'll just jelly. You wish you could be a White Knight like me.

You can say that it’s kind of my fault for even saying anything, it’s the internet, it’s easy just to ignore motherfuckers. But when I see someone that think they know it all, while trying to sound smart, while also being a dick about it, I have the urge to pull out the facts on the boys.

When you think about it, it’s kind of stupid to try to fight with someone over the internet in the first place. Are you really going to change someone perspective on life with a few words of text? Most likely fucking not. So in the end, us “SJW” aren’t really helping the problem, we’re just feeding  the already stupid person with his even more stupid argument. And you know what we call those people? Trolls! Yeah bitch, we got a name for you too.

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There is only one good troll out there, and that Gintoki. He's a troll for justice. So he's like a SJT,  "Social Justice Troll"

It will always weird me out that a derogatory term can be used against someone who’s doing something right? Well, I guess it’s the same as calling some a “Goody-goody-two-shoes.” The point I’m making today is that it’s not bad to be a SJW, the same way it’s not bad someone call you an otaku. That doesn’t mean that it’s a bad thing to be. But still, if you see someone talking dumb shit, it might be better just to leave it be. Don’t waste your time with the trolls and waste your time watching anime or jerking off to some doujins. That’s a better use of your time than arguing with some dumbass over the internet.

Do you hate SJWs? Do you get in arguments over the internet? Is being a White Knight cool? Tell us in the comments below.