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Could You Draw a Live Nude Model?
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

Blue Period is one of those anime that I didn’t think I would like as much as I did. I'm already super sad that I don’t think it’s getting a season 2, but I can still hold on hope. Blue Period is a show about art, so the MC has to do and draw things that artists usually might have to do. And one of those things that came up in the show was drawing a nude model.

I’m a grown man now, so I should be okay with this, but everytime I think about a hot ass girl being a nude model, I just think about how I might snicker and make jokes to myself, or won’t help but get a boner. It’s childish, but just seeing a random hot girl in front of your face just isn’t something that happens everyday, so I feel like I’ll do something stupid, or something stupid would happen to my body.

Man, she didn't even take her robe off yet and I'm getting a boner.

I salute the people who are willing to be nude models for a room of people to draw, I hope they’re getting paid well. And at this point in time, I’m not happy with how my body looks, so I definitely wouldn’t be a nude model in my current state. But even if I was happy with my body and looked like a stud, nude modeling would still be too much for me to do. Too many wild thoughts would go through my mind, and I might pop a boner in front of everyone! It always comes back to the boner.

This man complaining about his body? 

So yeah, I couldn’t handle drawing a nude model, and I wouldn’t be able to be a nude model. I’ll just stick to google images thank you.

Could you draw a nude model? Could you be a nude model? Did you watch Blue Period? Tell us in the comments.