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Audio Doujins: Getting Commander Pregnant
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

We’ve seen plenty of art, hentai, and doujins of the sexy 2B, but what about the equally as hot Commander. I know 2B hogs all the spotlight most of the time, but let's give some other Nier: Automata females some love, and artist Alexanderdinh has the perfect CG set for that. Commander is taking charge in this audio, voiced by the amazing CinderDryad. And Kinky is doing the voice of 9S.

9S x YorHa Commander

Commander voiced by CinderDryad

9S voiced by ImJustThatKinky

If you want to support Alexanderdinh other projects, go visit their Patreon

What did you think of Cinder's performance? What did you think of Alexanderdinh CGset? Do you Commander is hotter than 2B? Tell us in the comments.