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Audio Doujins: Black Lagoon Audio Doujins
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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Here’s our last batch of audio doujin commissions, commissioned by the wonderful FRANK. If you’re a fan of Black Lagoon like FRANK is, then you’ll love these audio doujins. In these, everyone's voice is present, but once the action happens (and not the shooting kind) the male voices go quiet. So tell us how you like it. We have a full cast, with Baku voicing Revy, MacStar as Eda, Lily as Reberta, and Kinky as Rock. The gangs all here.

Revy voiced by BakuSatsuHo

Eda voiced by MacStar

Reberta voiced by Tiger Lily

Rock voiced by ImJustThatKinky

What did you think of everyone’s performance? What do you think about only leaving the male voices out of the sex scene? Would you like to hear more Black Lagoon audio doujins? Tell us in the comments.

Hectotane 4 years ago
But now it just feels incomplete. Especially the ending.
MrObvious 4 years ago
It sounds ok. More Black Lagoon audio would be great and yes, the male sex sounds being omitted is a good start since usually it's just awkward.