Kasaix: Hey Doujin Army! I’m here with another really talented artist, someone I’ve been following for some time. Following him has also been a lesson in speech for me: he posts in Thai, and while I don’t understand a word of it, we both speak the languages of English and sexy girls. Hentai brings the world together people, and that’s inspiring. The language barrier, though real, vanishes when people are talking about hentai, and this man is a master of drawing them. The girls are varied, and the shading he puts into them just makes them come off the page.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Thanks for taking the time to hang out. How’s it going Hagane.f Area?
Hagane.f Area: load of work because of injuring of my finger a month ago ,I break my work for a month and try to finished 2-3 month work in this month lol.
Kasaix: Ouch. I hope you get well soon. Let's start at the beginning: could you tell me how you first started drawing?
Hagane.f Area: when I was young. can't remember when I started
Kasaix: That's nice, you kept a hobby with you as you got older. Did you go to school to learn how to draw, or did you practice on your own?
Hagane.f Area: practice on my own.
Kasaix: Nice. What are your favorite characters and themes to draw?
Hagane.f Area: A lot of big breast and sexy girls // Robot
Kasaix: I like those too. A lot of your work is like that, and I love it all. What do you feel is your best picture yet, and why?
Hagane.f Area: no like most, I like all of my work lol
Kasaix: Haha! I respect that. You can't pick just one. Where do you get the inspiration for your projects from? I've heard that you really like Rias from Highschool DxD, so she must be a good inspiration.
Hagane.f Area: My inspiration is about when I was young, actual I live in rural area no media no internet at that time, you can see anime only on TV and comic, If you need more you should create by your own. About Highschool DxD actually I love Akeno more than Rias lol
Kasaix: That's really cool. You made your own. Is there a project you'd really like to work on down the line? Maybe a full comic or something?
Hagane.f Area: yeah, but I'm very busy and didn't has chance or time to continue my own comic.
Kasaix: That's a shame. I hope you find time to work on it. I'm sure it's great.
What equipment do you use to draw?
Hagane.f Area: Wacom Intuos pro
Kasaix: Nice. Let’s wrap it up here for now. Do you have any words to all your fans?
Hagane.f Area: please follow and enjoy about my works, I will try to improved my work and make it better.
I’d like to thank Hagane.f Area again for taking the time to hang out. If you’d like to follow his work, check out the sites below: