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A Mask Can’t Hide A Kakushi’s Hotness
By ImJustThatKinky • 11 months ago

Ever since covid, mouth masks have become sort of a fetish. People in Japan have been doing it for a long time now, so they already knew how hot face masks were before us. You thought they wore it for safety reasons? Nah, it was a fashion statement and a way for females to attract men. So no wonder the Demon Slayer artist thought putting hot female characters in masks would be the perfect material for hentai artists. The female Kakushi’s hit differently.

Of course Shinobu and Mitsuri are hot as fuck Demon Slayer characters, but there’s just something very appealing and attractive about the female Kakushi’s. Maybe it’s because they’re so mysterious, not showing much of themselves. Wearing all black, and covering up most of their body. Maybe it’s because they’re just loyal helpers that will do anything the Hashira’s says. AND I MEAN ANYTHING!!! If she’s going to make me ride her back, I’m going to make her ride something as well.

What do you think about the female Kakushi’s? Do you think face masks are hot? Would you ride on a female Kakushi’s back? Tell us in the comments.