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10 Weird Arcade Systems That Actually Exist
By Kasaix • 6 years ago
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Arcades are where people go to play video games outside of their houses. In days gone by, they were all people had when they wanted to game, setting up quarters on the dash to call next game. Today, they're mostly set up with fast food places or niche locations that people flock to for a taste of the good old days. In an ideal world, they would be as commonplace as that coffee place that need not be mentioned by name here since they are every damn where. 

Today we're going to discuss the weird arcade games that are so strange it's hard to believe that they're real. Well, today's not April Fools' day, so everything discussed here actually exists. If you know of any strange arcade games, let us know in the comments below.


1. Udderly Tickets

For every Donkey Kong, there is an "Udderly Tickets". It's pretty self-explanatory, players try to milk a fake cow and get tickets when they do it right. We don't know either. Sega made it for some reason.

Learn more about it HERE.


2. Elevator Action: Death Parade

This is actually part of a larger "Elevator Action" series made by Taito, and was still receiving upgrades as of 2010. In this game, players use light guns to shoot in an elevator setting. We don't know why, it's just a thing players do.

See it in action HERE.


3. Luigi's Mansion Arcade

That's right, Nintendo made an arcade version of Luigi's Mansion. Players use a vacuum device to suck up the ghosts on screen. For once, we know why this exists: because it's an awesome idea and people need to get in on it.

See it in action HERE.


4. Turnip Strength Tester

This is a turnip strength tester from the Soviet Union. It's a thing for some reason. Players must prove they have the strength necessary to pull a giant turnip from the ground. We're assuming regular arm wrestling games weren't Russian enough for them, and they went with turnips.

Learn more about this and other Cold War era games HERE.


5. Amusement Washing Machine

This was made by a student from Taiwan and is not actually commercially available. We get why this was made though, doing laundry is boring. Performing well in this game actually brings the price of the laundry load down, too. 

Learn more about it HERE.


6. Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi

Don't ask us, we don't know. This is based on a comedy bit from Japan where a boke, or comic, and a tsukkomi, or straight man put up a show for an audience. In this game, the player has to hit the tsukkomi dummy in the face, stomach, or back as the game dictates in an effort to get the digital audience to laugh.

Learn more about it HERE.


7. PuLiRuLa

Don't ask us, we're not nearly stoned enough to understand this. We're sure Namco was when they made this though. This actually came to the west, and stuff as seen to the left was heavily censored. It gets weirder though, but just this is enough for this article. People need to sleep at night. 

The story of this game is as such: "A bad man appeared and stole the time key to stop the time flow". 

See it in action HERE.


8. Densha de Go!

This is a train simulator game where players take on the role of a train conductor and have to hit very precise marks to succeed in this game. It's famous for its immense and punishing difficulty. The term "pixel perfect" applies here.

See it in action HERE.


9. Taiko no Tatsujin

DDR with taiko drums. That's not the weird part though. Given how highly taiko drums and their performances are held, it's weird this exists. 

See it in action HERE.


10. Boong-Ga Boong-Ga

This is exactly what it looks like. You use your hand or other plastic attachment to spank or otherwise punish people who have messed with you, from gangsters to relatives. This exists, and we don't know why.

See it in action HERE.