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Maxine Sex Music Video
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

Maxine is a hot girl in all the...wrong places? She’s a hairy girl, and I’m not talking about her head and above her eyes where you expect it, but I’m talking about her pussy and her ARMPITS!!! Some people aren’t into hairy girls in general let alone the armpits, but Maxine rocks it with style and sexiness. 

And if the silent still image of Maxine got you all hot and bothered, then you might love to know that you can also enjoy her making noises while in motion. OfficialMaxine has released a motion comic for all the Maxine fans to enjoy. The voice acting was good, and I enjoyed that art and animation. If I had one complaint about this was the fact that when it got to the sex scene, it became a music video. I’m not lying, the beat started dropping and she started repeating phrases like “eat my pussy” to the beat of the song. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not really into jerking off to a sex music video.

Have you seen Maxine before? Are you interested in checking out the motion comic? Do you think the idea of a sex music video is interesting or a turn off? Tell us in the comments.