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Do You Watch Anime With Friends?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

I’ve been recently watching Code Geass with my boi Snooze and having a blast doing it. I’ve been enjoying the deep, sad, and epic moments that the show has to offer, but I’ve also been enjoying the memes that me and Snooze have been coming up with. Jeremiah is now Joshua, Mao loves rocking his gunner shades, and Dribble can’t stop Dribbling. We made a very serious mech drama into a comedy anime. But that’s just us, I’ve also heard of people who hate when someone is talking and making jokes while watching anime. So what’s the best way to watch an anime?

The face of a man who dribbles alot.

Now I do understand people who think that. I watched Garden of Words with a group of friends once and hated it. But not because they were talking during the movie, but because they weren’t talking about the movie. The person was talking about other things and on their phone, now that’s when I don’t enjoy watching something with someone. If we’re going to talk during the anime, let’s talk and make jokes about the anime, that’s how you can at least tell that the person is paying attention to the anime. If they're talking about something totally different then it doesn’t even feel like they're paying attention to whatever you’re watching.

They're not even talking about the movie.

But if you are all talking about the anime and making jokes about it and that still upset someone, my suggestion is for them to just watch it by themselves. We’re all different people, and some people just want complete silence and attention when it comes to whatever they’re viewing. I've been watching things with friends who joke around during movies, and when sad and epic moments happen, it still hits hard for me even with us joking around. So for me personally, I can say that my experience watching Code Geass with Snooze has made the experience even better for me.

Have you watched anime with friends before? Do you enjoy watching anime with friends? Do you think making jokes during an anime can ruin big moments? Tell us in the comments.