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Can You Date Someone Who Doesn't Share The Same Interest?
By ImJustThatKinky • 10 months ago

We all want a girlfriend one day in our life. Well, a boyfriend works out as well if you swing that way. But, do they have to be perfect for you? Of course, no one is perfect, but would you be okay with trying to date someone who doesn’t relate to you or your taste completely? I’ve been watching My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999, and it’s trying to tackle that question.

Well, not completely, it seems like that problem has already been solved and more so about our main female character trying to understand this high school boy that she might have feelings for. But let’s dig deeper into that question. If a girl, OR BOY, that you find attractive isn’t into anime (let just assume we all like anime here) would you be okay with that? I can easily be friends with someone who doesn’t like anime, I have friends who aren’t into anime and can talk to them about other things no problem. It’s more to life than anime, but that still can be considered a different story when it comes to a person who you’re supposedly going to live with and spend your entire life with.

Oof, wait a minute...

If I’m in a relationship with someone, they don’t have to like anime or any of my other interests, but they can't hate it. Like, I wouldn’t want her to have such a distaste for anime that she either tries to stop me from watching it, or is upset at the fact that I’m watching it. Now that could definitely ring a red flag for me.

A face of a girl ready to fuck up your life.

And if she’s open minded, I’ll try to get her into anime, while not forcing her to like it. And I’ll give her the same respect. If she likes something that I’m not into, I’ll give it a try and see if I can get into it with her. It’s fun to be into the same things, but not necessarily needed.

Does someone you’re dating need to be into the same things you are? Could you date someone who hates anime or games? Have you checked out My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999? Tell us in the comments.