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Was Princess Bubblegum and Marceline's Relationship Planned?
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago

With the series finale of Adventure Time giving every fangirl what they’ve been waiting for, Princess Bubblegum and Marceline kissing and closing their relationship arc, everyone can be happy with their gay love. Now I’m not into yuri, because I think it’s a boring genre (fight me), but that doesn’t mean I don’t support this relationship, I was just wondering was this planned from the beginning or was it planned as the series went on.

I dropped off Adventure TIme along time ago, not because it was bad, but because I got older and my time became less manageable, and anime took over my life. I still remember early Adventure Time when Finn was all over Princess Bubblegum and when Marceline was introduced, she played the role of teasing Finn in a cute kind of way. Finn also had something going on with Fire Princess, but I’m not sure if that went anywhere. My point is, I’m wondering if Princess Bubblegum and Marceline being an item was something the creators had in mind from the start, or was it when fans saw the way the two interacted with each other and how cute they’d be together prompt the creators to switch gears. With the current climate of America, something like a lesbian couple in a cartoon show can shake somethings up and get people talking (you see that I’m writing an article about it! It worked!). But if it was not planned or just fanservice, that’s not a bad thing, many other projects do the same thing like Naruto and Bleach with their pairing couple endings. Just a food for thought, and nothing more. Anyways, let the gays be gay!

Hey, if a guy tasted like bubblegum everytime I kissed him, I'll turn gay too.

Do you think this was planned from the start? What do you think about Princess Bubblegum and Marceline’s relationship? Should it have been Finn and Princess Bubblegum? Tell us in the comments below.