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Respect the NDA: Streamer Loses Anthem Alpha Access
By Kasaix • 5 years ago

Anthem is one of the more hyped and anticipated titles coming along. Full disclosure, I pre-ordered the Legion of Dawn edition on the PSN. And yes, I was disappointed I didn't get into the alpha. But I digress, we're talking about one poor soul who did.

Let's start with a quick note about how seriously EA is about its NDA policies. Mark Darrah, the executive producer on Anthem, tweeted this out: 

That was a thinly veiled wearning: respect the NDA. 

A twitch streamer known as Smokethrone did not heed these words. He's a streamer, and did what he normally would: streamed. If talking about issues was a no-no, showing them would be an even bigger no-no. He booted the game up, and his Origin app closed. After he restarted it, he lost his Anthem alpha. Not sure how they could take all his Origin games, I guess the NDA was serious business. The entire event was caught online.

Update: The video and account were terminated. Damn, EA is not messing around. 

While the title of that video says he lost an entire library, if you pay close attention, his only game was Anthem. Others suggested it might be staged. However, there's a lesson to learn here: respect the NDA.