What’s a manga? What’s the actual definition of a manga, and what is a manga to you? Well, when looking up manga, the definition of it is a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as children. And like always, you can find another definition for it from other sources and what not. Now, why am I bringing this up? Well, that's because a popular Youtuber who’s been gone for a while now, has just created his own “manga”.
Something I think sounds cool, and from the anime trailer, giving us a little taste of what the manga is about, seems pretty interesting. But, everyone isn't so thrilled about the idea of Cory trying to make a manga.
So, here’s the question, is this a manga? When I checked out the official page for Monsters We Make, I tried getting a preview of the actual manga to see if it fit my criterias.
Over 200 pages, colored in black and white, and also reading right to left. The only thing I might say about it is that the art style looks more comicbookish than manga, but art style is an art style, let's not act like Hunter x Hunter always looks like it was from a manga.
And to call this a comic book is insane to me. I know what I consider a comic book, and it’s those thin as fuck paper books, that look like you can rip them just by breathing on them too hard. I remember bringing my Sonic comic to school and always being scared that someone was going to accidentally rip them if I let them read it.
Now I haven’t read or bought a manga in awhile, so I’m not sure if this is going to be something to pick up. But I'll be keeping an eye and ear out on the release of this manga, and if it gets an anime series, then I’ll def check it out then.
Would you consider this a manga? Are you going to check out Monsters We Make? Would you check out an anime of this? Tell us in the comments.