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Drugs in Doujins
By RinSigua • 6 years ago

            I should point out first that we do not suggest or accept the use of illegal drugs.


            I mentioned before that almost all genres that exists in comics and manga also exists in doujins, and that there are genres in doujins that doesn’t exists in comics and manga like the infamous NTR. Today, let’s look at the genre that disturbingly occurs in doujins: Drugs.

            In the West, famous people get caught with drugs almost all the time, and we are somewhat used to it. However, that is not the case in Japan. With the drug related arrest of Ai Takabe, we can see that Japan has a strict policy against illegal drugs. Drugs in Japan are not only illegal, they’re taboo. One can serve time up to five years and a fine of Y200,000. What’s more is the stigma it has on the public. In the case of Ai Takabe, her agency quickly dropped her, even though she is still awaiting trial. They also removed her from the Kill Me Baby’s official website credits. Even the anime’s producer is quick to drop an anime just because of a single person caught having (let me emphasize on “having,” not using) drugs. Drug cases in Japan isn’t about “innocent until proven guilty,” its “guilty until proven guilty.”

            So, how does this translate to doujins?

            I think there are two reasons why drugs exist as a genre in doujins.

  1. To show just how bad illegal drugs are


            This is the type of doujins that show just how bad and evil illegal drugs can be. This kind of doujin always shows a woman, usually unpopular but still quite beautiful and sexy, getting a taste of it. After that, it starts to spiral down to the point where the woman is nothing but a soulless doll that is driven by lust and desire. This kind of doujins are good in my opinion, they show the readers just how horrible illegal drugs can be. Moral of the story, “Don’t do drugs.

            However, the world isn’t exactly black and white. I mean, there are countries that have limited legalization of some of the drugs that are considered illegal in Japan. Japan’s view and policies regarding illegal drugs is strict, unlike some countries where the policies against drugs are a little more… tolerant. Does that mean that one country is better than the other because of their drug policies? Hell no! I’m just a guy who loves reading doujins. I’m just giving my two cents on the matter. Anyway, I digressed, bottom line is, this type of doujins show that drugs is bad.

  2. Used as a plot device

            This type of doujins uses drugs as tools to further the plot. This doujins mostly uses illegal drugs like Flunitrazepam, or more commonly known as roofies or date-rape drug (which is ironic because reports of rape cases with this drug is very rare) to unsuspecting women as tools so that the men can have his way to her. This style of presenting drugs in doujins is common. Unusually common if you ask me. It’s like the doujin artists/writers either has a lot of reference materials in these sort of 

            In the end, it all comes down to the persons’ view regarding the matter. A persons’ perspective on drugs differ because of the culture and norms that he (or she, ‘cuz I know there are girl doujin readers out there) grew up with. As the saying goes, “To each his own.”


            What about you? What are your thoughts about drugs in hentai? Do you have anything to add? Do you have any suggestions and recommendation? Please tell us about it in the comments below. Thank you for reading!