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Do Panty Shots Do Anything For You?
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago

When you do something for a while, you start seeing the same shit happening over and over again. “Patterns” is what they call it I believe. I’ve been watching anime long enough now to recognize some things that are a bit overdone. You ever notice how so many damn openings have somebody falling into the water? I thought it was cool the first few times I saw it, but overtime I realized that it was so commonplace it slaps me in the face with its genericness now. “Hey bud, our protagonist is going to go through a hard time this season, better let you know by slapping them into water!” It’s not a bad metaphor just particularly overdone. Speaking of overdone, I’m watching another isekai anime this season because everyone is like “holy shit this one is THE one dude Mushoku Tensei is godlike” so here I am. I watched the first episode and sure enough I’m prepared to see where it goes. Speaking of overdone, I didn’t expect a panty shot after such an in-depth and focused episode. 

Don’t me wrong, I actually thought it was well done. The panty shot serves a bit more meaning than just being dumb fun like usual so I’ll allow it. I hope that is setting a good precedent for the remaining episodes to come. I just found it fascinating that I was watching an isekai, one of the most used and abused genres right now, but it wasn’t until I saw a classic random-wind-blows-panty shot that I thought “oof really? that’s a bit overdone isn’t it?” The random panty shot has been a staple in anime for longer than I’ve been in the game and I’ve never quite gotten the appeal. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen it play out so many times, or maybe it’s because I’m simply not aroused by it.

The panty addiction starts at a young age you see.

First of all, this anime was beating you in the head with magic rules and discoveries for a hot minute so I was completely caught off guard by the panty shot and my brain brain was using all the blood at the time, not my dick brain. Even still I tend to always see the panty shots as a waste of time. I’ve never once been chilling watching an episode when suddenly Sakura Bakara trips and shows her panties and thought “oh shit, there it is, it’s time to fap. Thank you anime overlords for this gracious offering.” Sure some hot shit can go down in an anime episode that turns me on and makes me want to nut, but panty shots are often so short and done in such ridiculous ways that they end up feeling like a waste of time for me in most cases. Not to mention a bit overplayed and redundant as well.

Now this is a bit more my style, this anime has something for everyone.

This could be a simple difference in fetish as I’ve never much cared for panties in a general sense either. Some people go as far as wanting to smell them and all that shit, but that’s a topic for another day. Are you watching Mushoku Tensei? Do you like panty shots in anime? Don’t trip randomly on your shoelace, watch out for that pesky wind, and leave a comment below!