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Can Anyone Cosplay?
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago

YES! Anyone can cosplay because it’s true, everyone has the right to cosplay. But you also have to understand that you can’t avoid being judged based on who you cosplay and how your cosplay looks, that’s just a fact. So I think that  everyone can cosplay who the fuck they want, but don’t start bitching if people start judging your cosplay or making fun of you.

You have people who cosplay the absolute minimum when it come to cosplaying something complex or even when cosplaying something easy. I only cosplayed once and that was as Mutsuki from Tokyo Ghoul: Re. She wore a simple outfit, had brown skin, and a slim figure, so she was a perfect choice for me when it came to doing my first cosplay. She had brown skin like me, wore nothing crazy like a set of armor or clothes that I would have to make myself or buy off of ebay, no, just a simple white tie, black button up, black pants, and an eye patch. Easy. But that brings me to my next point, looking like the character.

L is such an easy cosplay my dude. All you needed to do was get a better wig and you would have had it.

Like I said, I believe anyone should be able to cosplay, cosplaying is fun, but if you don’t look like the character, you’re going to have to get ready to be judged or made fun of, that’s just the harsh reality. People are assholes, including me, and including you.

If you have a heavier build and your cosplaying a thin character, you might attract some judgemental eyes or you might get a few chuckles once as you walk around.

Protecting the left village, one ramen bowl at a time.

This Choji is legit cute. He fits the character and he looks good doing it. Let me be honest, if I saw a skinny Choji, I’ll give him weird looks too.

You also have black people cosplaying people with white skin. Which again, is not a bad thing, but it’s always crazy seeing it.

Reaching out to the truth and that paper.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Believe it!" Sorry boy, but I can't believe it.

Some black girls in the cosplay community think that they are being mistreated or not being represented fairly because they don’t get featured in cosplay magazine and such. Since I don’t know the specific I can’t really say, but if I had a cosplay magazine, I’ll try to take photos of girls and guys who look close to the original character depending on what my magazine is about. If you’re a black person cosplaying a white character, you might look amazing but if that doesn’t fit my magazine, I’m not going to put you in it. This also goes for white cosplayers. If a white girl cosplay Yoruichi, she might look cute but she’s not going to get featured in my magazine. It’s not me being racist, it’s me being accurate.

Well, since Raven skin is gray, I don't know what to say about this one...she's fucking hot though!

And last is guys dressing as girls…

You have, for the laughs gender bend cosplays.

And you have actual gender bend cosplays. Enough said.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to get a lot of hate for making this article just because people hate listening to facts and rather avoid to harsh truth of the world, but at the end of the day my biggest message is to have fun and cosplay what you want, but be prepared for what may come by doing so. In the end of the day, if you had fun, then who gives a fuck what other people think, they don’t make you who you are, your cosplay makes you who you are.

Have you ever cosplayed before? Do you judge people's cosplays? Can anyone cosplay? Tell us in the comments below.